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  • To dry wet boots remove footbed stuff with newspaper place in a warm position away from direct sun or direct radiated heat.

  • If boots are stored in dark / humid conditions for a prolonged period the sole compound can deteriorate. It is better to wear your boots regularly.

  • Clean the dirt, mud or contaminates off after each shift with soft brush or damp cloth. Leave your boots out to dry after cleaning them in a warm place. Avoid any harsh or direct heat on them, as it will damage and may ruin the leather. You need to let them breathe. Avoid storing them in a plastic bag and instead leave them out in the open somewhere safe, like on a shelf.

  • Do not store in cupboard or dark/humid conditions. When you are not wearing your ROCKROOSTER boots (if this happens) try and do the below:- Store your boots in a cool dry spot- If your boots are stored away for extended periods how about showing them some love by taking them for a walk twice a month to keep them fit and healthy

  • For Nubuck or Suede leathers, clean by brushing off loose dirt using a Suede brush (suede brushes have fine brass bristles).